Saturday, December 26, 2015

How to stop absorbing other people's negative energy

Have you ever been told you are an empath? An empath is someone who can emotionally tune into other people's, places, or animals energy/emotional experiences. 

For example, if you are having a wonderful day and then you go around a friend, spouse, or family member and they are having stress or anxiety and your mood changes. You are most likely an empath. It can be a very overwhelming experience, and can often make people think they are crazy or bipolar. When in all reality, you just need to learn how to protect your energy, and prevent yourself from absorbing others. 

You can't please everyone 

We as humans want to be loved and accepted. But it's important to realize that there will always be people that wont like you, and no matter how hard you try this won't change. Remember it isn't any of your business what other people think of you. The only opinion that you should care about is yours, and the people in your inner circle/core group. Don't ever let anyone into your inner circle unless they build you up, and have a positive impact on your life. 

Be careful who you invite into your life

Make sure that you are particular about the people you let into your life, especially into your core group. This is one thing I have struggled with for years. Letting people into my life that I shouldn't have. Try to think of it this way, if a line of people came to your front door and half of them had muddy feet and the rest didn't. Would you just let them all walk in? Or would you ask them the to wipe their feet on the rug before entering? It's the same concept when letting people into your life. If you are not cautious they will track mud all over your soul. Make sure you are not just letting anyone into your circle. If you are constantly getting hurt, or burned by people in your life it's probably because you just let them in without wiping their feet. 

Don't let someone suck out your energy 

Have you ever been around someone that is literally exhausting? Imagine that we all have our own power cord and outlet. Everytime we interact with someone we plug into eachothers outlet and do an energy exchange. A person that drains others is taking energy instead of exchanging it. They don't even realize what they are doing. So if you have someone in your life that seems to drain you, that is most likely what is going on. 

There is a saying that my mom has and I love it. "Make sure you have an equal relationship with people, that means don't let someone just make withdrawals from your acct. Make sure they are putting in deposits." It's just like having a bank account, you have to put in deposits or you will run out of money. Make sure you are getting back what you give out. 

Take responsibility for your own actions and reactions. 

People will do things throughout your life that will hurt and disappoint you. But how you react is on you alone. It's hard to pull yourself away from a situation when emotions are high. But remember that everyone is fighting their own battle, and you never know what is happening in someone else's life. This always helps me when something happens and I get upset. Try to step away and send them love and light. The peace you will feel will be overwhelming. 

No one is perfect, but every day try to be the best you. Be forgiving of others cruelties, you never know what trials they are currently facing. 

God Bless

Follow me on FB @ Misty Overduyn Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer