Saturday, December 26, 2015

How to stop absorbing other people's negative energy

Have you ever been told you are an empath? An empath is someone who can emotionally tune into other people's, places, or animals energy/emotional experiences. 

For example, if you are having a wonderful day and then you go around a friend, spouse, or family member and they are having stress or anxiety and your mood changes. You are most likely an empath. It can be a very overwhelming experience, and can often make people think they are crazy or bipolar. When in all reality, you just need to learn how to protect your energy, and prevent yourself from absorbing others. 

You can't please everyone 

We as humans want to be loved and accepted. But it's important to realize that there will always be people that wont like you, and no matter how hard you try this won't change. Remember it isn't any of your business what other people think of you. The only opinion that you should care about is yours, and the people in your inner circle/core group. Don't ever let anyone into your inner circle unless they build you up, and have a positive impact on your life. 

Be careful who you invite into your life

Make sure that you are particular about the people you let into your life, especially into your core group. This is one thing I have struggled with for years. Letting people into my life that I shouldn't have. Try to think of it this way, if a line of people came to your front door and half of them had muddy feet and the rest didn't. Would you just let them all walk in? Or would you ask them the to wipe their feet on the rug before entering? It's the same concept when letting people into your life. If you are not cautious they will track mud all over your soul. Make sure you are not just letting anyone into your circle. If you are constantly getting hurt, or burned by people in your life it's probably because you just let them in without wiping their feet. 

Don't let someone suck out your energy 

Have you ever been around someone that is literally exhausting? Imagine that we all have our own power cord and outlet. Everytime we interact with someone we plug into eachothers outlet and do an energy exchange. A person that drains others is taking energy instead of exchanging it. They don't even realize what they are doing. So if you have someone in your life that seems to drain you, that is most likely what is going on. 

There is a saying that my mom has and I love it. "Make sure you have an equal relationship with people, that means don't let someone just make withdrawals from your acct. Make sure they are putting in deposits." It's just like having a bank account, you have to put in deposits or you will run out of money. Make sure you are getting back what you give out. 

Take responsibility for your own actions and reactions. 

People will do things throughout your life that will hurt and disappoint you. But how you react is on you alone. It's hard to pull yourself away from a situation when emotions are high. But remember that everyone is fighting their own battle, and you never know what is happening in someone else's life. This always helps me when something happens and I get upset. Try to step away and send them love and light. The peace you will feel will be overwhelming. 

No one is perfect, but every day try to be the best you. Be forgiving of others cruelties, you never know what trials they are currently facing. 

God Bless

Follow me on FB @ Misty Overduyn Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer

Thursday, October 22, 2015

How to cleanse your home

Everything around us has energy. People, places, items, ect. Our home can pick up negative energy just like you can. It's good to cleanse your home so that you have a pure environment.

Have you ever walking into someone's home and felt anxiety, or a negative feeling? I like to make sure my home instantly gives people a good and happy feeling when they enter. 

While positive energy flows and moves, negative energy will stick and accumulate, turning it into stagnant energy.  

It is good to constantly cleanse your home, you will start to notice a huge difference with your mood and energy level. 

Before any cleanse it is good to clean up your home. Having a lot of clutter will make it harder to cleanse. 

Burning Rosemary, Cedar, Ancientveda, and Sage (blue sage, common sage)  

Smudging  is one of the oldest and easiest ways to cleansing your home. It will clear out old stagnant and negative energy. Use a feather and use it to move the smoke up towards the ceiling. 

When I burn my bundle I always say a cleansing prayer asking for the stagnant and negative energy to be cleansed and replaced with positive pure energy made from light and love. 

You can also get incense or candles to burn if you don't want to get bundle. 

Sea Salt
Fill a bowl with sea salt and it will naturally neutralize the negative and stagnant energy. You can put a bowl in each room of your home, or just in the room that seems to have the most traffic.
You can also add herbs and essential oils to the bowl of salt.

Crystals and Rocks

I have several crystals and rocks in my home. I leave them in the room I do readings in as it is a high traffic area. 

You want to make sure you are cleansing and charging your crystals on a regular basis as they absorb the energy around them. 

You can charge them by holding them in your hand and saying a prayer. You can also charge them by sticking them by the window. The moonlight and sunlight will both charge them. 

So pick a way that works best for you. When you start to feel tired, depressed, or eveb if you or your family gets sick. Do a cleanse. Say a prayer asking for any negative, dark, or stagnant energy to be removed. Then ask for it to be replaced with white love and light. When I am not feeling well I ask for emerald green healing light. 

You will start to notice a huge difference in your mood and the energy of your home. 

God bless 

Follow me on FB @ Misty Overduyn Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Get to know your 7 chakras

What are Chakras? 

Chakra means “wheel”; a vortex of vibration, light and energy.

We have seven powerful energy centers within the body called chakras. And like the definition says, it is a wheel. So imagine your body is a car. You can't drive a your car with flat tires, just like your body can't function with unbalanced chakras.  

They start at the top of your head and go all the way down to bottom of your spine. These seven chakras are located in the astral body. Astral body means "soul".

A good way to visualize this is to think of them is as if they were little computers. And your body is the main system that cannot run without all of the other computers. Each center processes different information. They affect your mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

The seven chakras

The seventh chakra is called the crown chakra. It is located on the top of your head, and connects us to our higher consciousness. 

When off balance it can cause headaches, depression, hopelessness, and confusion.

When in balance, it helps us to live in the here and now as well as gives us trust with our inner guidance. 

A great way to help get your crown chakra in balance is to visualize a purple lotus flower inside the top of your head. Visualize the flower being full of pure energy. Imagine it getting larger and larger with every breath, as well as opening yourself up to your higher conscious level. 

The sixth chakra is called the third eye chakra. It is located between in the middle of your eye brows, and connects us to our cosmic insight. 

When off balance it can cause moodiness, loss of sleep, disrtrust, and a feeling of being imbalanced.

When in balance, it helps us to feel focused, and to feel a strong intuition and connection to spirit. 

A great way to get your third eye chakra in balance is to visualize a spinning blue indigo ball of energy in between your eyebrows. Visualize this blue ball of energy expanding all around your head, giving you the power to think without judgement or attachment. 

The fifth chakra is called your throat chakra. It is located in your throat, and connects us to our emotions, communication, and the way we espresso ourself. 

When off balance it can cause anxiety, and a feeling of insecurity. It can also affect your communication skills, and will make you feel like you have no control or power over your emotions. 

When in balance it helps us to speak out truth without fear or caring what other people may think. 

A great way to get your throat chakra in balance is to visualize your favorite food as a beautiful blue color. Visualize it going into your mouth and releasing any thing that may be blocking you from speaking  your truth. 

Your fourth chakra is called the heart chakra. It is located in our heart area, and connects us to our emotional self, our passion, love, and forgiveness. 

When off balance it can cause hopelessness, jealousy, abandonment, and anger. It can also make you feel disconnected to yourself and to others around you. 

When in balance it helps us to feel love, compassion, gratitude, safety, and will help us to feel connected to the people around us. 

A great way to get your heart chakra balanced is to visualize a green rose bud in the center of your chest. While doing this take in slow and deep breaths. Visualize that the rose bud is getting bigger with each breath while letting go of any anger, bitterness, negative or stagnat energy. 

Your third chakra is called the solar plexus. It is located in the center of your stomach, right under your rib cage. It connects us to our intuition, and confidence. It also gives us our will to live, and the drive to accept who we are as a person. 

When off balance it can give us anxiety, fear, depression, and loss of self confidence, and self worth.

When in balance it helps us to feel confident, accepting of ourself and others, powerful, and gives us a sense of peace and harmony.

A great way to get your solar plexus in balance is to visualize a ball of orange fire in the center of your stomach. Visualize this ball going up your body, out the top of your head, and to the sun. Stretch your body high as you can. Take deep and slow breaths and imagine that your body filling up with energy made from the purest light and love. 

Your second chakra is called your sacral chakra. It is located in your stomach, where your reproductive organs are. It connects us to our sexuality, emotions, creativity, and confidence. 

When off balance it can cause fear, guilt, dependency issues, jealousy, addiction, and shame of your body and sexuality.

When in balance it helps us to feel confident, independent, and sexual fulfillment. 

A great way to get your sacral chakra in balance is it visualize a ball of beautiful orange light under your belly button. Visualize that you are spinning this ball counter clockwise turning it into a funnel shape. While doing this imagine that pure white love and light is being poured into the top of the funnel.

And finally your first chakra, this to me is most important chakra as it is your energy base. It is called the root chakra. It is located at the base of our spine, and gives us the connection of being grounded/balanced, having security, as well as instincts of survival.

When off balance it can cause you to feel anxious, hopeless, anger, low energy/exhausted, and alienation. 

When in balance it helps us to feel full of energy, balanced/grounded, secure, and can affect your over all health in a positive way.

A great way to get your root chakra in balance is to visualize a red lotus flower at the base of your spine. Imagine with every breath you take that this flower grows bigger and is flowing with energy. Do this until you feel like you are full of good energy, and are completely charged. 

I have posted affirmations that link with every chakra. Say these affirmations daily to help keep you balanced. 

Once you start to become aware of your chakras, you will start to understand why you have emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual illnesses. 

You can start to heal yourself by being aware and in touch with your chakras. 

God bless 

Follow me on FB @ Misty Overduyn Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer

Friday, October 16, 2015

First steps to connecting with your spirit guides

What is a spirit guide? 

Your spirit guide is someone that you have been connected to long before this life. They are loving spiritual helpers, and are apart of your soul group.
If you don't know what your soul group is, read my past posts. 

The way you are connected to your friends and family, is the same way you are connected with your spirit guides. You have most likely been in several past lives with your guides, as well as having the connection from the other side, also known as heaven. 

Most people have more than one guide that is with them at all times. We do have other guides that come and go as we need help certain life situations. You most likely have two guides that have been with you since you were born into this current life. 

So even though you have not gotten to know them in this life thus far, that does not mean that you don't already have a close relationship with them. They know you better than anyone, and have been guiding and helping you through this life from the beginning. 

Your "intuition", the gut feeling you get about situations, places, and people. All comes from your guides and loved ones. 

Important information to know before you start the line of communication with your guides 

Before I go into the process of meeting and building a relationship with your guides, I want to remind you of a few things I have talked about in my previous blog posts.

Always make sure that you set your intentions. If you don't want to have contact with lower level spirits, then make that known. For me, I only allow for spirits that come from the love and light of Christ to contact me. I no longer even see lower level spirits. 

In the past, before I knew how to do this. I would come across lower level energy all the time. You will know when this happens, it's not just the feeling of being afraid due to the unknown. You may also feel a negative or uncomfortable presence, as well as a feeling of sudden anxiety or depression. 

It is no different than being around people in the physical world. You will feel their energy, just like you the feel energy that is connected with people or places in your everyday life. 

Your intuition will kick in, just like it does when you meet someone new. Sometimes you will have a good energy feeling, and sometimes an negative and uncomfortable one. Not all spirits come from love, and not all want to help you in positive ways. So its important to make sure that you always set your intentions and protect yourself. 

I recommend putting a sort of protective bubble around your energy field. I talk about how to do this in my second blog post. 

When we feel the presence of spirit, whether that is seeing something out of the corner of our eye, or feeling like you are not alone in the room. Our initial reaction is fear. 

This is no way means that the presence you feel around you is bad or evil. It just means that our brain does not know how to process this information, or find the logic in the situation. The default feeling when that happens is usually fear. 

This is completely normal, and happens to most everyone. I was scared a lot growing up when I would see or feel a presence around me. I would hide under the cover and would just hope it went away. 

If you ever have this happen and start to feel afraid. You can simply ask them to leave, just tell them that they are scaring you and to please go. 

Our loved ones and guides intentions are never to scare us, so they will leave if you ask them to. If you want to try and communicate with your guides or loved ones. Then the next time you feel a presence ask them if they would like to say anything. 

You will start to feel less and less afraid the more you do this. It's just like seeing a person from across the street that may be in dark clothing and a trench coat. They will look scary from afar, but once you go up close to the stranger you see that there isn't anything scary about them at all. Again our human minds are afraid of the unknown and unexplainable. 

When you open up the line of communication, it's important not to expect a physical voice. Remember they are without a body, and will connect to you with their energy. 

You will start to have words or thoughts come into your head after asking a question. It will be like this when you start seeing symbols or details as well. Most of what you will see will come from what is called your minds eye. 

It's very normal to doubt yourself, and to think you are just making things up. Being confident, and quieting the mind is key for communication. It takes a lot of practice, and a lot of patience. Remember, we all have the ability to communicate with the other side. Some of us may be more in tuned with it, but it's there for all of us to access. 

Once you feel you are ready to open up that line of communication, then you are ready to meet your guides. 

The first steps to meeting your spirit guides 

It is best to start this process with meditation. If this is something you struggle with, there are several guided meditations you can find to help. I usually go to the free podcast on my phone, or YouTube. 

Before you meditate, say a prayer setting your intentions, and invite your spirit guides to contact you during this time. If this doesn't work the first few times you try it, don't give up. Be patient, this is not an easy process for our human minds, and it takes time.

Make sure that you are in a quiet and comfortable space. It is also important to be relaxed and to quiet your mind. Once you do this you can start asking questions. Remember you don't have to talk out loud for spirit to hear you. Most communication is done telepathically. So thinking a question works all the same. 

I would start with the basic questions. Asking how many guides do you have, if they are male or female, and what their names are. 

The first thought that comes into your mind after asking a question is usually your guides talking to you. So again try not to doubt yourself, and try to be as open minded as possible. It is also ok to ask for validation. 

When I first started doing this, it took me a while to get to know my guides. I am also the kind of person that needs validation. Once I had figured out that one of my guides was a male and his name was John, I asked him for validation. 

I asked for John to bring me a feather to  confirm his name. Not even a week later my car was parked in the driveway, which is weird anyways as it is never parked outside. I usually have it in the garage, but this particular week we had some issues going on with our garage door.

My husband saw a small feather on my windshield and showed me. But me being the person that I am, I needed more than a tiny feather to feel comfortable with this being a sign from my guide. So I asked him to please bring me a bigger feather, so that I would know that it wasn't a fluke thing, and that is was indeed a sign from John.

Two days later in the exact same place was a very large bird feather. I remember getting a huge smile, and with a smirk I said "ok John, that is a big enough feather". I still have this feather in my bedroom today. So with this being said, it is ok to ask for validation. But try to be realistic about what you are asking.

Your guides and loved ones have probably been bringing things around you, and trying to get your attention for a long time now. They will be excited once you are fully ready, and open to getting these signs and messages. 

I hope that this helps you to develop a relationship with your guides. Remember, your guides loves you very much. And will be so excited when you are ready to start building a relationship with them. 

God bless 

Follow me on FB @ Misty Overduyn Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

What happens when we die? A talk with Jesus

It is so important to understand that your soul has lived long before this current life that your body lives today. When we are born into this life, our body and soul come together. They work together daily, learning, growing, and experiencing. 

Our soul still remembers our lives before this one, but our body only knows this life, and what is happening in this moment. 

When we die, our body and soul separate and we are once again our true self. Our soul then returns to the other side "Heaven", where take a much needed rest. We reflect on what we have experienced, mistakes we have made, and what we need to learn in order to be better. 

Time in heaven is not the same as it is here on earth. What is years to the human body, is only minutes in heaven. 

The reason we as humans have such a fear of death is because it is the unknown to our human brains. We are purposely made to forget the other side so that we can properly fulfill this life's contract. If we were to remember how amazing it was on the other side no one would want to be here. 

We do have the knowledge to connect to the other side, but sadly most people have forgotten how to do this. Even being a medium, and having this connection to the other side. I still have to experience life in its entirety. The ups, and the downs is all apart of what we are here to learn.

When I am doing a reading, and am asked about the future. I tell my clients all the same thing. I tell them that no one can give them that information. If anyone ever claims to be able to do this, they are not being truthful.

Sure I can say when I see a new job coming up, a new love interest, or a new life being brought in. I can even give you guidance in regards to your current situations. But my guides are never going to tell me the future as we all need to experience it on our own. 

I get more information about other peoples futures than I do about my own. And I honesty wouldn't want to know. I don't think that our human brains would be able to process this kind of information. 

This is why the human race has had such a hard time with the thought of life after death. Our brains want facts, and proof we can see with our human eyes. When we don't get this proof, we shut the idea down. 

As humans we are so smart, but so very ignorant at the same time. Faith shouldn't come from what a "religion" tells you to believe in. It should come from your heart, your higher self, the best part of you that knows, and misses heaven. 

When I have mentioned our minds being powerful in my previous posts, it means exactly that. We have the ability to truly get anything we want in life. 

Have you ever heard the saying "what you put out, is what you will get"? It's so simple, if you are struggling financially, start putting it out there that you will fall into a situation where money won't be such a huge struggle, then it will happen. It may be in the form of a new job, or an unexpected refund. Now this doesn't mean you are going to win the lottery, it just means that we have he ability to make life a little easier. This literally applies with any aspect of your life. 

We can't control what we have pre designed ourselves to experience. But we can definitely make things easier. Unfortunately the human mind is a tricky one, and most people are very closed off, and skeptical at the thought of being able to receive what you put out. 

There is one thing I want to ask all of you skeptical readers. Do you really think that God, the highest being, and highest energy source, that created us and loves us unconditionally wouldn't give us access to our desires? Of course he would, and once you learn how to tap into that source your life will drastically change for the better. 

Another thing I have talked about in my previous posts is that we all make our own contracts. We design them before each life that we live. The people around us, our friends, parents, siblings, kids, and other loved ones are all souls and energy sources that we are connected to. 

This is where it gets a little hard to understand, but I want to try and explain this in a way that will make sense to you. We are not husband/wife, mother/daughter, or father/son on the other side "Heaven". We are connected souls who love each other with the most purest love imaginable. Souls that choose to re live life after life, by each other's sides.  

In this life I may be a female, a mother of twins, and a wife. But in another life I may be a male and my twins from this lifetime may be my parents. It can get very confusing. So the best way to try think about this, is that we do not just live a human life this one time. We are not always the same sex, or the same race. We come back over and over to learn, and to grow, and to experience everything in every way possible. 

I know for myself the thought of coming back and doing this again and again is exhausting. But that is my human mind thinking. Our higher self, our soul wants to keep learning, and wants to keep teaching.

If you have lost a child in this life, it is because you put it in your contract. It was something that you needed, and wanted to experience and grow from. And your child left early in this lifetime for your growth, and to make you a stronger soul. 

We all love each other so much, and we want to help one another to grow. So if you think about it, it's never just us alone in a room designing our life contracts. It's like we all are sitting in a group with our loved ones "our soul group" and we are designing them together. Always making sure that we are connected in some way, and in each life that we live. 

Have you ever met someone, and had that instant connection? The feeling that you have known this person for your entire life? When this happens, it means that this person is apart of your soul group. Our soul group is made up of all the people that come in and out of our lives, even your spirit guides are apart of your soul group. They are souls that we love and are connected to. 

And yes unfortunately we lose friends and family members over drama throughout our lives. This doesn't mean that the connection is not as deep as it is with the friends and family that are still apart of your life. It only means that you had a certain lesson to learn with that person, and once you experienced and learned what was needed. It was time for them to move on so that a new member of your soul group could enter. 

I know it can be hurtful when you lose someone you love. I personally have been affected by this in my lifetime. Especially over the past 4 years of my life. I literally lost almost all of my friends that I had grown up with, and it was devastating.

When you start to feel sad or angry because certain people are no longer in your life. Don't hold onto those feelings, try hold onto the love and memories you had with them. Take a step back and know that it was all supposed to happen this way, so that you could learn an important lesson. And know that you will be together again in heaven, as the issues we have here on earth will not follow us after we die. 

So in conclusion to this, when we die and our soul returns home. Our memories from each life is restored back to us. Our relationships are never broken, or forgotten. We are at peace, and are in our true highest form. 

There is no pain, and no suffering of any kind. The only suffering is of the ones that are left behind on earth. They suffer from loss, and devastation. But it will not last for forever, it only will last until we are again separated from our human body, and are able to return to heaven, our true home. 

Let his light and love always surround you. 

God bless

Follow me on FB @ Misty Overduyn Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Common signs your loved ones send

Our loved ones are always trying to get our attention in some way. They want you to know that even though you cant see them, they are still with you. The majority of the time they are throwing signs left and right at us, and we don't even realize it. 

It's very common for us to doubt ourselves. When you think you see something that is from them, or feel them around. Our default is always to think we are crazy, and to be fearful. 

When you have a feeling of doubt or fear, it doesn't mean that there is something negative or "evil" around. It means that we cannot comprehend what is happening. These feelings are normal, so when you think "am I going crazy" know that if you were you would not ask yourself that. 

Our human mind does not remember or recoginze these things. Our higher self "our soul" knows it as comfort, love, and home. But our brains like to play tricks on us, and it always tries to find the logic in everything. 

Try not to be afraid, our loved ones don't want to scare us. They want us to know they are around, and that they love us. 

The most common signs that deceased loved ones like to send.

1. Dreams

Our loved ones as well as spirit guides, and passed animals try to communicate through our dreams. They may just want to come to say hello, or to give comfort. It's very common for them to show up in the most random of dreams. So when you wake up with a smile thinking that it was your loved one, don't talk yourself out of it. 

Your mind will try to do this, but always go with your initial reaction and feeling. I have a girl friend that always comes in my dreams, the majority of the time she just smiles. She has come through to me before something big has happened. Its her way of letting me know that she was with me and that what was going on was going to be ok. 

An very personal experience I want to share is one night she came to me in my dream. She smiled and hugged me. We did talk but not with the movement of our mouths, we spoke through our minds. 

The next day one of her family members lashed out on me pretty hard because I had gotten a tatto that was similar to the one my friend had before she passed. I was so upset, but then it just clicked. She came come to me the night before to tell me that it was ok and that she loved me. 

I always like to pull in my own personal experiences when writing my posts. I feel that you are able to connect and understand more of what I am saying.  

2. Feeling their touch 

Though this is one that most of you will try and talk yourself out of, but it happens quite often. When we are sad or sick, our loved ones do hug us, play with our hair, and even hold our hands. So if you feel something, maybe a pressure or the presence of a hug, again don't be afraid. 

When I had my twins via emergency c section 3 months before they were supposed to be born. I was a mess in the hospital. My husband was asleep on the little couch in the hospital room, and I was awake and an emotional mess. My grandmother that passed when I was 5 came over to me and started playing with my hair. It was her way of trying to comfort me.

They love us so much, and they worry about us. Most of the time people don't let themselves see or feel these things. But that doesn't mean it isn't happening, it just means that you are either not fully aware, or are just simply blocking it out. 

3. Feeling a presence 

This is probably the one that scares people the most. When we feel as if we are not alone, it seems to bring an instant fear. We may start lookinh behind us as we are walking down the hallway. 

You can always ask them to leave if it is scaring you, but again it's because our brains default to fear when we can't explain what is happening. 

In a lot of the readings I do, I always am being asking who is following them all over. Or why they feel a pressure on the bed next to them. Most of the time this is the presence of a pet we lost. 

People when they pass come to check on us, but they also go and visit everyone else they love. But when you lose a pet, they stay with you from the moment they pass, until the moment you pass.

Your pet never leaves you, and still likes to cuddle up to you at night, follow you around the house, and even go for car rides with you.  So when you feel this presence, feel comfort knowing that your loved ones and pets are still with you, and watching over you. 

I have a dog that I had a huge connection to, and she is always cuddling up to me in bed. 

4. Electrical interference 

If you have randomly are having issues with your lights, tv, microwave, phone, or anything else electrical this is most likely a loved one or one of your guides trying to get your attention. Once we start to notice that these things are happening, you will probably see a pattern.

Maybe it happens when you are struggling, feeling alone, or are sad. Again this is their way of telling you that they love you and that they are with you every step of the way.

I have had times where I have been sitting on the couch crying. Then all of the sudden there is a huge light that will flash, or a ceiling fan that will turn on. 

They want you to know that even though you are feeling alone, you are in fact not alone. We have so many people on the other side that love us, and they are always right there with you. 

5. Gifts, signs, and symbols 

Our loved ones love to send us gifts. So if you are consistently seeing or finding something, and you think of someone particular that has passed, it is most likely it is a gift being sent from them. 

I have seen loved ones send coins, butterflies, birds, feathers, rainbows, and much more. I have even seen where they are bringing something around that you may have never noticed before their passing. Maybe you are constantly seeing their favorite flower, or tree. 

My husbands grandfather loves to send him bluejays. Most of the time these birds are sent when my husband is struggling. And as for myself, my guides love to send me feathers. 

These gifts are so amazing, and come from such love, so cherish them. 

6. Music

Loved ones love to send music. Maybe you are always hearing a song that was played at their funeral, a song they loved, or even a song you used to dance to in the car together. 

This is their way of making you smile, and once again letting you know they are still with you. 

After my girl friend passed, her favorite movie is always playing on tv. I never noticed if this show was on as much before her passing. But when I see it on the menu when I am looking for something to watch, I smile and know that she is saying hello. 

7. Scents 

Have you ever randomly gotten a strong wiff of perfume, colonge, or even cigarette smoke. Maybe it was a brand that your grandmother or parent always wore. Or maybe you had a grandfather that smoked cigars. 

So if you smell this and no one smokes in your home, or wears this scent. It's a good chance this is your loved one coming around. 

My mother always smells her grandmothers scent around her. She has told me about this since I was little. 

8. Movement 

Movement is a big one that used to happen a lot to me before I accepted my gift. I would put something in a certain spot, and minutes later it would be gone. This used to drive me insane as I have OCD and knew that I was not losing my stuff lol.

You also may even see movement in the corner of your eye. We have all had this happen and some point. We think we see someone and we turn our head and nothing is there. 

Sometimes our loved ones think they are funny and like to move our things. But know that It always comes from love. 

There are many more ways of communication, but these are the ones that come up the most during the readings I do. So the next time something like this happens. Don't be afraid, and don't try question your sanity. I always tell people that the fact that you are questioning if you are crazy, shows that you aren't. A crazy person wouldn't question their sanity. 

Take these gifts of communication as a sign of love. There are so many miracles that are happen all around us. Don't ever disregard your initial feeling. If something happens, and your first thought is that it's your mother. Smile and take comfort in knowing she is around. 

Always know how loved you are. 

God bless 

Follow me on FB @ Misty Overduyn Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer

Everything is temporary

"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny."
-CS Lewis

We all have our ups and downs in life. Things can seem so hopeless at times. But it is important to know that everything is temporary. The difficult situation you may be feeling today, or even this month won't last. 

Life changes every minute of every day. So if things are going good enjoy it, it won't last forever. And if things are going bad, don't worry. This won't last forever either. 

Henry Ford once said it best. "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it".

Hardships are a necessity in life, it makes us stronger and wiser. It is important to know that you are strong enough to get through anything. God will lead you through the fire, all you have to do is take his hand. 

Do not let your past or present rob your future. We are all destined to do amazing things. Whether this is being a doctor, a social worker, a daughter, a wife, or even a parent. 

We affect so many lives around us, both in negative and positive ways. We teach people lessons on a daily bases. Don't ever beat yourself or others for the mistakes that have been made, accept the mistake and move forward. You are a fighter! Remember that you are made out of the best part of God. That means you can get through anything that life throws at you. 

Money, people, and situations will come and go. And the people that we love most will fail us, they are human. It doesn't mean they don't love you. It just means that they make mistakes. 

We all have our struggles, some more than others. We all face tragedy and despair. The true miracle is that we are able to grow from all of these experiences, even when the odds are against us. 

Remember that we are who we are because of the hardships we have faced. And out of hardships, a lot of opportunities come our way. For example, my husband had a job he loved but didn't make very good money. I had asked him over and over to go to a higher paying job, but he didn't want to leave. 

He ended up losing his job, and I don't work anymore due to my health. So as you can imagine this was devastating! Two days later he found a job where his hourly wage was doubled. I believe that God knew he wouldn't quit on his own, so he had to step in so we could get out of the financial struggle we were in. 

God will always come through, it may not be the way you want. But trust that he always knows what we need, and will always lead us to our true path. 

Some struggles may last longer than others. Losing a loved one is a very hard thing to experience, especially if it is a child. But know that as time goes by, your pain will get less and less. 

Your loved ones are always around. They come in to check on you, to love on you, and even just to say hello. And please know that this separation is not permanent. When your time here is done, you will be with them again. 

Please don't give up on yourself or on your loved ones just because things are hard. You can get through anything! And the people that are meant to be in your life will never leave. 

In regards to all things in life, this too shall pass 

God bless 

Follow me on FB @ Misty Overduyn Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer


Friday, October 9, 2015

Try to look beyond the hurtful things

Trying to look beyond hurtful words and actions is not always an easy thing to do. This is a topic that comes up a lot with my energy healing clients. And I myself have been affected by others words and actions.

I want to try and shed some light on this subject. When someone does or says something hurtful, the majority of the time it actually has nothing to do with you. 

An example, you go out to eat and the waitress is horribly rude your entire visit. This is where you need to try and look beyond her actions. She is most likely going through something in her personal life. Does this make it ok? No, but that doesn't mean that you should return the rudeness. Maybe instead do something kind, you never know how it will affect her day. 

We all struggle, life is hard on all of us. So the next time a friend, family member, or even a waitress or cashier says or does something that is mean or even hurtful. Try to respond differently. 

Think to yourself that they must be really struggling, and instead of lashing out do something kind. Maybe give an extra big tip, or compliment the cashier, tell your friend and family member that you love them. 

We never know how we affect others, and doing something kind in a situation like this can really affect someone's life. 

We are all guilty of doing this. I even do it, it's not something I am proud of but its human nature. We always take things out on others around us. 

How great would the world be if instead of getting mad and trying to hurt them back, we did something kind. I know it's frustrating and hurtful, but if you can put those emotions aside long enough to do something kind I promise the hurt and anger will fade away quickly.

I myself have lost several friends over the years. Mostly because I have been very misunderstood for the majority of my life. Being a medium and keeping that secret to myself explains a lot of it. But I also would react in a negative way, and this would only make the situation worse. 

I have let people's actions and words affect me so deeply in the past. I would cry and cry and would feel so alone. Now that I have the knowledge that I do, I am able to see the bigger picture. Does this mean I don't ever slip and lash out? Of course not, I am human. But being aware  and trying to break the cycle will bring more peace to you. 

Don't ever let someone's words and actions affect you in a such a deep way. Remember it's never about you, it's about them, and about what is going on in their life. 

Try to show love and kindness to the people that hurt you, and to the stranger that snaps at you. Reacting with kindness will spread, and it will make them think about what you just did for them despite the way they just treated you. 

Life is so wonderful, but unfortunately a lot of people don't get to experience  all of the amazing things life has to offer. We let our pride and ego get in the way of being happy.

So the next time someone does or says something hurtful, break the cycle. Turn it into something kind, not just for them but for you. Your happiness and peace is what is what important. 

My favorite saying is "what would Jesus do". He lives inside of all of us. We all have the ability to be like Christ. Let his love and light shine down on you. 

Gob bless 

Follow me on FB @ Misty Overduyn Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Energy Purging

When you undergo and kind of energy healing, your body will start to experience a kind of purging. This can happen with self Chakra cleansing through meditation, or can be done by a spiritual healers. 

This purge happens when you are removing negative, and old stagnant energy that is no longer helping you in a positive way. This energy being removed will then be replaced with pure energy made from light and love. 

Purging usually happens after your energy healing takes place. Your physical body is trying to adjust to the changes. Out with the old, and in with the new. Unfortunately the purging process isn't the most pleasant, but it's a good thing because it means that the healing is working. 

Everyone experiences something different when they purging process starts. Some will get mild flu like symptoms, stomach cramping followed by a release, as well as a big emotional release.

The most common in my experience is the emotional release. You may feel super emotional and cry a lot right after the energy work is done. And depending how much is being cleansed out, this can happen for a couple days. Don't worry, when this happens you will know you are on the right track.

Your body goes through a shift. It changes from the old energetic you, to the new energetic you. 

The goal as a healer is to remove all low energy, stagnant, and negative energy. Anything that is blocked, and is causing mental and physical illness. I will then replace it with pure light and love healing energy. 

Our mind is so powerful and we literally manifest illness when we are in this low and negative energy place.

People that usually come to me for energy healing are in a place in their life where they feel lost energetically, mentally, physically, and spiritually. 

Usually the people I do energy work for are people who have unhealed emotional trauma, anger, guilt, heartache, anxiety, depression, headaches, or even just feel out of sorts "off". There are so many things that healing can help you with, not just emotionally but physically as well. 

Energy healing is so powerful and when you start to open up your Chakras, and start to cleanse and protect your energy you will feel a huge shift in your life. 

You have 3 very important parts about you. The physical body, the spiritual body, and the energetic body. If one of these is not working properly it will throw everything off. 

Think about it this way. If you have 3 cables going into your tv, and one of the cables gets a short in it, the other cords are useless at this point. Your tv will no longer work, or maybe it will work but not the best way that it could. This is the exact same as the 3 parts that are you. 

So if your life seems to be at a stand still. Or you are having a hard time with your relationships, your job, or anything else in your life. It is most likely because you have 1 or more of these things that have a "short" in it. 

So if you get energy healing done and don't feel great for a couple days after this is why. This means it is working and you are on your way to becoming a heather you. 

"Clutter in your in physical surroundings, will clutter your mind and spirit.

God bless 

Follow me on FB @ Misty Overduyn Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer


Saturday, October 3, 2015

Talking with Jesus

I mentioned in my first blog post that it wasn't my guides that started talking to me about my gift and how to embrace it. It was actually Jesus, he started talking and leading me to a path I could not find on my own.

I remember one of my first conversations with him. I wanted to know about religion, and I needed help with finding my spiritual path. He told me that people get very lost in this area. He said that religion was man made, and that the true "church" was Jesus himself.

This was something I had always known, but had struggled with. The world we live in is all about religion, and people have a hard time understanding that religion and God are 2 very separate things. It's so important for you to know that you can have God in your life without going to a building every week. 

We are all apart of God. No matter what mistakes in life we make, he is always going to be apart of us. 

If we think about this in energy terms, try to imagine that God is the main energy source. Everything and everyone he has created, has his energy and love put into it. We are all created from him, and have his love and light inside of us. 

God and Jesus do not require for you to do anything to get their love. They love us no matter what we do, and what we don't do. He has told me that the good works we do should be because we want to do them, not because we think we have to do it in order to get into heaven. Being a good person should never be done for any reason other than that it brings you personal joy. 

They love all of us and their love does not come with requirements,or "fees" is how he put it. You don't have to go to a building every week to be with God. You only need to find Him and Jesus within yourself, and follow the path that will teach you the lessons that you came here to learn. 

You don't just come here once, we come here several times. In fact make our own "contracts", things that we need or want to work on and learn in this lifetime. We are connected to the people around us, and always have some connection with them in every life that we have. 

When I have talked about this with my clients, I have referred to our time here on earth as a job. We have a time card that we use to punch in with the moment we are born. And when our contract is up, we punch out. Sometimes we leave lives early in order to teach the loved ones around us certain lessons, and to make them stronger. 

Jesus is all about love, there is not cruelty or judgement that comes from him or from God. We all make our own destiny, we pre plan everything before we come here. If we don't follow our contract, then we will have to repeat it again and again. 

So if you come to this life, and don't learn the lessons you pre planned to learn, then it's safe to say you are not following your own contract. 

Remember that you are apart of God, and you have so much love and light within you. Sometimes it can be hard to see because our human body and minds feel pride, guilt, fear, and anger. Our ego's literally take over, and it blinds us from seeing how beautiful life can be. 

So when you get angry or upset with someones actions or words. Simply send them light and love and don't lash out in anger. Don't take what they say to heart, because in all reality it's never about you. It's about them, and their own insecurities and issues. 

This is a work in progress for me, so don't think I don't make mistakes and do these things because I do! I am human, and it's in our nature to experience so many negative thoughts, thoughts we would never have on the other side.

If you make a mistake, forgive yourself and move forward. We always think that God is disappointed, so we beat ourselves up so much about it. In all reality we beat ourselves up way more than is necessary. 

Try not to feel guilt and shame, that is all from the ego, and comes from the words of man kind. God does not shame you for anything, he loves us no matter what we do, and what we don't do. So try to live this life to the fullest, and learn from every negative and positive experience. 

If you want to be giving and do kind thing, know that this in no way will affect you going to heaven or not. Do it because it's what you want to do, not because you think it is required. 

God sends blessings are all around us. Sometimes it is hard to see all of the blessings because of our negativity as humans. Once you really start to put forth the effort into being positive, you will start to notice all of the wonderful things that are happening around you. 

If you have a horrible tragedy or loss, know that this is apart of your contract. It is not because God is trying to be cruel. It's because we have already planned for these tragedies, and hardships to take place in our lives. 

You're never alone, Jesus is always there to help guide and comfort you. All you have to do is reach out your hand and ask.

God Bless 

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