Thursday, October 22, 2015

How to cleanse your home

Everything around us has energy. People, places, items, ect. Our home can pick up negative energy just like you can. It's good to cleanse your home so that you have a pure environment.

Have you ever walking into someone's home and felt anxiety, or a negative feeling? I like to make sure my home instantly gives people a good and happy feeling when they enter. 

While positive energy flows and moves, negative energy will stick and accumulate, turning it into stagnant energy.  

It is good to constantly cleanse your home, you will start to notice a huge difference with your mood and energy level. 

Before any cleanse it is good to clean up your home. Having a lot of clutter will make it harder to cleanse. 

Burning Rosemary, Cedar, Ancientveda, and Sage (blue sage, common sage)  

Smudging  is one of the oldest and easiest ways to cleansing your home. It will clear out old stagnant and negative energy. Use a feather and use it to move the smoke up towards the ceiling. 

When I burn my bundle I always say a cleansing prayer asking for the stagnant and negative energy to be cleansed and replaced with positive pure energy made from light and love. 

You can also get incense or candles to burn if you don't want to get bundle. 

Sea Salt
Fill a bowl with sea salt and it will naturally neutralize the negative and stagnant energy. You can put a bowl in each room of your home, or just in the room that seems to have the most traffic.
You can also add herbs and essential oils to the bowl of salt.

Crystals and Rocks

I have several crystals and rocks in my home. I leave them in the room I do readings in as it is a high traffic area. 

You want to make sure you are cleansing and charging your crystals on a regular basis as they absorb the energy around them. 

You can charge them by holding them in your hand and saying a prayer. You can also charge them by sticking them by the window. The moonlight and sunlight will both charge them. 

So pick a way that works best for you. When you start to feel tired, depressed, or eveb if you or your family gets sick. Do a cleanse. Say a prayer asking for any negative, dark, or stagnant energy to be removed. Then ask for it to be replaced with white love and light. When I am not feeling well I ask for emerald green healing light. 

You will start to notice a huge difference in your mood and the energy of your home. 

God bless 

Follow me on FB @ Misty Overduyn Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer


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