Friday, October 16, 2015

First steps to connecting with your spirit guides

What is a spirit guide? 

Your spirit guide is someone that you have been connected to long before this life. They are loving spiritual helpers, and are apart of your soul group.
If you don't know what your soul group is, read my past posts. 

The way you are connected to your friends and family, is the same way you are connected with your spirit guides. You have most likely been in several past lives with your guides, as well as having the connection from the other side, also known as heaven. 

Most people have more than one guide that is with them at all times. We do have other guides that come and go as we need help certain life situations. You most likely have two guides that have been with you since you were born into this current life. 

So even though you have not gotten to know them in this life thus far, that does not mean that you don't already have a close relationship with them. They know you better than anyone, and have been guiding and helping you through this life from the beginning. 

Your "intuition", the gut feeling you get about situations, places, and people. All comes from your guides and loved ones. 

Important information to know before you start the line of communication with your guides 

Before I go into the process of meeting and building a relationship with your guides, I want to remind you of a few things I have talked about in my previous blog posts.

Always make sure that you set your intentions. If you don't want to have contact with lower level spirits, then make that known. For me, I only allow for spirits that come from the love and light of Christ to contact me. I no longer even see lower level spirits. 

In the past, before I knew how to do this. I would come across lower level energy all the time. You will know when this happens, it's not just the feeling of being afraid due to the unknown. You may also feel a negative or uncomfortable presence, as well as a feeling of sudden anxiety or depression. 

It is no different than being around people in the physical world. You will feel their energy, just like you the feel energy that is connected with people or places in your everyday life. 

Your intuition will kick in, just like it does when you meet someone new. Sometimes you will have a good energy feeling, and sometimes an negative and uncomfortable one. Not all spirits come from love, and not all want to help you in positive ways. So its important to make sure that you always set your intentions and protect yourself. 

I recommend putting a sort of protective bubble around your energy field. I talk about how to do this in my second blog post. 

When we feel the presence of spirit, whether that is seeing something out of the corner of our eye, or feeling like you are not alone in the room. Our initial reaction is fear. 

This is no way means that the presence you feel around you is bad or evil. It just means that our brain does not know how to process this information, or find the logic in the situation. The default feeling when that happens is usually fear. 

This is completely normal, and happens to most everyone. I was scared a lot growing up when I would see or feel a presence around me. I would hide under the cover and would just hope it went away. 

If you ever have this happen and start to feel afraid. You can simply ask them to leave, just tell them that they are scaring you and to please go. 

Our loved ones and guides intentions are never to scare us, so they will leave if you ask them to. If you want to try and communicate with your guides or loved ones. Then the next time you feel a presence ask them if they would like to say anything. 

You will start to feel less and less afraid the more you do this. It's just like seeing a person from across the street that may be in dark clothing and a trench coat. They will look scary from afar, but once you go up close to the stranger you see that there isn't anything scary about them at all. Again our human minds are afraid of the unknown and unexplainable. 

When you open up the line of communication, it's important not to expect a physical voice. Remember they are without a body, and will connect to you with their energy. 

You will start to have words or thoughts come into your head after asking a question. It will be like this when you start seeing symbols or details as well. Most of what you will see will come from what is called your minds eye. 

It's very normal to doubt yourself, and to think you are just making things up. Being confident, and quieting the mind is key for communication. It takes a lot of practice, and a lot of patience. Remember, we all have the ability to communicate with the other side. Some of us may be more in tuned with it, but it's there for all of us to access. 

Once you feel you are ready to open up that line of communication, then you are ready to meet your guides. 

The first steps to meeting your spirit guides 

It is best to start this process with meditation. If this is something you struggle with, there are several guided meditations you can find to help. I usually go to the free podcast on my phone, or YouTube. 

Before you meditate, say a prayer setting your intentions, and invite your spirit guides to contact you during this time. If this doesn't work the first few times you try it, don't give up. Be patient, this is not an easy process for our human minds, and it takes time.

Make sure that you are in a quiet and comfortable space. It is also important to be relaxed and to quiet your mind. Once you do this you can start asking questions. Remember you don't have to talk out loud for spirit to hear you. Most communication is done telepathically. So thinking a question works all the same. 

I would start with the basic questions. Asking how many guides do you have, if they are male or female, and what their names are. 

The first thought that comes into your mind after asking a question is usually your guides talking to you. So again try not to doubt yourself, and try to be as open minded as possible. It is also ok to ask for validation. 

When I first started doing this, it took me a while to get to know my guides. I am also the kind of person that needs validation. Once I had figured out that one of my guides was a male and his name was John, I asked him for validation. 

I asked for John to bring me a feather to  confirm his name. Not even a week later my car was parked in the driveway, which is weird anyways as it is never parked outside. I usually have it in the garage, but this particular week we had some issues going on with our garage door.

My husband saw a small feather on my windshield and showed me. But me being the person that I am, I needed more than a tiny feather to feel comfortable with this being a sign from my guide. So I asked him to please bring me a bigger feather, so that I would know that it wasn't a fluke thing, and that is was indeed a sign from John.

Two days later in the exact same place was a very large bird feather. I remember getting a huge smile, and with a smirk I said "ok John, that is a big enough feather". I still have this feather in my bedroom today. So with this being said, it is ok to ask for validation. But try to be realistic about what you are asking.

Your guides and loved ones have probably been bringing things around you, and trying to get your attention for a long time now. They will be excited once you are fully ready, and open to getting these signs and messages. 

I hope that this helps you to develop a relationship with your guides. Remember, your guides loves you very much. And will be so excited when you are ready to start building a relationship with them. 

God bless 

Follow me on FB @ Misty Overduyn Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer

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