Thursday, February 23, 2017

Soul Contracts


Soul Agreements are pre-incarnation sacred contracts that you make with your soul and with other souls connected to you. Your ultimate goal is to be at the highest energy vibration level possible. 

Everything and everyone is connected through a pre designed contract that you make before each life. Every relationship you have, every circumstance, and every trial is connected to your soul contract in some way.

In our spirit form on the other side we make decisions about the life we are entering into. We have a group of souls/people that we are with life after life. These people are your family and close friends, they are also called your soul group. 

So when you meet someone and just have that instant connection, that feeling that you were meant to meet. It's because they are apart of your soul group and are now entering into the soul contract the two of you have made together. 

Relationships and family ties are made based on the lessons we want to learn while we are in this life. So even though you may have a rough relationship with your mother or father, this is something you both have put into your contracts. There is a reason for this relationship, they are lessons that are being learned. 

Soul contracts are not strict script of your life. Its more like a game plan that is set up to help you learn and grow spiritually. Each lifetime that we have ultimately aligns us with our goal of being divine. 

Following the path of your soul contract can be very painful. And for some it can even be a dark path, but staying on this path and overcoming it is what will help you to shed this negativity. 

For some it can be rough family relationships, loss of a child, addiction, abuse, even constant heartache. Unfortunately sometimes these tragic moments can throw them off from their life course. But remember this is your contract, your check list per say. Don't give in and don't give up. Keep fighting and with the pain you endure use it to teach others. 

Depression is something most of us have and will continue to experience in our life. Try to pull yourself out of this with change. Depression usually means that you are stuck and are not moving forward with your contract. Mix things up, try new things, don't lock yourself in your house and stop living. This is only denying your soul of its wishes, its hopes, and its ultimate goal of growth. 

Our soul is crying out for attention, don't ignore it. Don't deny yourself joy, love, and happiness. Once you acknowledge that your soul is asking for help, start making that change and you will notice that your depression will start to decrease. 

A negative mind will live a negative life, a positive mind will live a positive life. It's not realistic to always be positive, but you can catch yourself when you start to get those negative thoughts. It may be small at first, but don't give in. Remember this is your soul that is missing out, and it's you that needs these experiences to grow.

Ups and downs are normal in life, is all apart of our contracts. Forgive and love yourself, don't think you're not good enough. We are human and we will make mistakes, sometimes the worst of the worst mistakes and that's ok. Don't hold onto pain and anger, work through this with therapy, meditation, energy work, etc. Anything that will help you to move forward with life. 

Don't look back and what happened, you can't change it. Don't  hold onto the bad,  it will only hold you back. Remember forgive and love yourself and others around you. You're learning the meaning of unconditional love in this life. Unconditional love for yourself! 

Sometimes you will have to walk away from friends or even family because of constant negativity. That doesn't mean that you can't love and forgive them. It just means you need to love them from a distance because you love yourself more. 

Walk your truth and shine your light. Let it shine bright for others to follow. Let your tragedies and lessons help someone else. You never know, maybe your tragedy was designed so you could help another. Remember you do have control over your life! 

Love and light 


Follow me on FB @ Misty Overduyn Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer

If you would like to shop for any spiritual items, here it the link to my shop


Life review/What happens after your die

What is a life review? 

When someone passes, and makes the grand transition back home. There is a period where their spirit then needs to take it all in, and reajust from the life they have just experienced here on earth. 

We take some much needed time to settle back into being back home on the other side. We awaken to discover that we're alive, and that there is no death! We start to remember what it's like to be home and that the freedom is beyond anything we've ever known during our earth life. 

Life here on earth is like a dream, where life on the other side is our home. When we return home, we reflect back on the time we have spent here on earth. 

This period of reflection generally takes 6 months to 1 year (in our time). The reason I say "our time", is because there is no concept of time on the other side, it simply just doesn't exist. 

During the life review, you are surrounded by your spirit guides, angels, other passed relatives, and even Jesus. The life review lets us see, and feel every detail of our entire life and lessons we experienced while we were here on earth. Starting from the moment we were born, until the moment our life ended. It's kind of like being at a movie theater and watching it on a huge movie screen. 

Since our lives don't just revolve around our perspectives. We will be reviewing our lives in two ways. The perspectives we had about our life, and the perspectives that others had about our life.

I have explained in previous blog posts that we have soul contacts. Contacts that we make before every life that we do. And of course we don't always stay on task, and we don't always learn all of the lessons we set out to learn.

There is no kind of judgment on the other side for that. Only love, support, and kindness. And don't worry, you'll have plenty more lifetimes to come back and learn what you have missed.

When we pass on to the other side, we leave everything behind that isn't about love that light. There is no anger, no guilt, no hate, and no regret. 

God does not judge us after we die. The purpose for the life review is strictly for education, enlightenment, and spiritual growth. God is only about pure love and our lives will be compared to this standard in the light of God. 

Remember this isn't your first life, and it won't be your last. God is in your corner, routing you on every time. He wants you to succeed, he wants you to be happy. 

And if you screw up, and you don't do as well in one life as you did in another. Well oops try again, you have plenty of time to make up for it. Time doesn't exist, forever is a long time to make up for it. So don't be so hard on yourself when you make a mistake, because I promise you God isn't. 

He has your back, and is in your counter, routing you on the entire way! 

Love and light


Follow me on FB @ Misty Overduyn Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer

If you would like to shop for any spiritual items, here it the link to my shop