Friday, October 9, 2015

Try to look beyond the hurtful things

Trying to look beyond hurtful words and actions is not always an easy thing to do. This is a topic that comes up a lot with my energy healing clients. And I myself have been affected by others words and actions.

I want to try and shed some light on this subject. When someone does or says something hurtful, the majority of the time it actually has nothing to do with you. 

An example, you go out to eat and the waitress is horribly rude your entire visit. This is where you need to try and look beyond her actions. She is most likely going through something in her personal life. Does this make it ok? No, but that doesn't mean that you should return the rudeness. Maybe instead do something kind, you never know how it will affect her day. 

We all struggle, life is hard on all of us. So the next time a friend, family member, or even a waitress or cashier says or does something that is mean or even hurtful. Try to respond differently. 

Think to yourself that they must be really struggling, and instead of lashing out do something kind. Maybe give an extra big tip, or compliment the cashier, tell your friend and family member that you love them. 

We never know how we affect others, and doing something kind in a situation like this can really affect someone's life. 

We are all guilty of doing this. I even do it, it's not something I am proud of but its human nature. We always take things out on others around us. 

How great would the world be if instead of getting mad and trying to hurt them back, we did something kind. I know it's frustrating and hurtful, but if you can put those emotions aside long enough to do something kind I promise the hurt and anger will fade away quickly.

I myself have lost several friends over the years. Mostly because I have been very misunderstood for the majority of my life. Being a medium and keeping that secret to myself explains a lot of it. But I also would react in a negative way, and this would only make the situation worse. 

I have let people's actions and words affect me so deeply in the past. I would cry and cry and would feel so alone. Now that I have the knowledge that I do, I am able to see the bigger picture. Does this mean I don't ever slip and lash out? Of course not, I am human. But being aware  and trying to break the cycle will bring more peace to you. 

Don't ever let someone's words and actions affect you in a such a deep way. Remember it's never about you, it's about them, and about what is going on in their life. 

Try to show love and kindness to the people that hurt you, and to the stranger that snaps at you. Reacting with kindness will spread, and it will make them think about what you just did for them despite the way they just treated you. 

Life is so wonderful, but unfortunately a lot of people don't get to experience  all of the amazing things life has to offer. We let our pride and ego get in the way of being happy.

So the next time someone does or says something hurtful, break the cycle. Turn it into something kind, not just for them but for you. Your happiness and peace is what is what important. 

My favorite saying is "what would Jesus do". He lives inside of all of us. We all have the ability to be like Christ. Let his love and light shine down on you. 

Gob bless 

Follow me on FB @ Misty Overduyn Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer

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