Saturday, October 3, 2015

Talking with Jesus

I mentioned in my first blog post that it wasn't my guides that started talking to me about my gift and how to embrace it. It was actually Jesus, he started talking and leading me to a path I could not find on my own.

I remember one of my first conversations with him. I wanted to know about religion, and I needed help with finding my spiritual path. He told me that people get very lost in this area. He said that religion was man made, and that the true "church" was Jesus himself.

This was something I had always known, but had struggled with. The world we live in is all about religion, and people have a hard time understanding that religion and God are 2 very separate things. It's so important for you to know that you can have God in your life without going to a building every week. 

We are all apart of God. No matter what mistakes in life we make, he is always going to be apart of us. 

If we think about this in energy terms, try to imagine that God is the main energy source. Everything and everyone he has created, has his energy and love put into it. We are all created from him, and have his love and light inside of us. 

God and Jesus do not require for you to do anything to get their love. They love us no matter what we do, and what we don't do. He has told me that the good works we do should be because we want to do them, not because we think we have to do it in order to get into heaven. Being a good person should never be done for any reason other than that it brings you personal joy. 

They love all of us and their love does not come with requirements,or "fees" is how he put it. You don't have to go to a building every week to be with God. You only need to find Him and Jesus within yourself, and follow the path that will teach you the lessons that you came here to learn. 

You don't just come here once, we come here several times. In fact make our own "contracts", things that we need or want to work on and learn in this lifetime. We are connected to the people around us, and always have some connection with them in every life that we have. 

When I have talked about this with my clients, I have referred to our time here on earth as a job. We have a time card that we use to punch in with the moment we are born. And when our contract is up, we punch out. Sometimes we leave lives early in order to teach the loved ones around us certain lessons, and to make them stronger. 

Jesus is all about love, there is not cruelty or judgement that comes from him or from God. We all make our own destiny, we pre plan everything before we come here. If we don't follow our contract, then we will have to repeat it again and again. 

So if you come to this life, and don't learn the lessons you pre planned to learn, then it's safe to say you are not following your own contract. 

Remember that you are apart of God, and you have so much love and light within you. Sometimes it can be hard to see because our human body and minds feel pride, guilt, fear, and anger. Our ego's literally take over, and it blinds us from seeing how beautiful life can be. 

So when you get angry or upset with someones actions or words. Simply send them light and love and don't lash out in anger. Don't take what they say to heart, because in all reality it's never about you. It's about them, and their own insecurities and issues. 

This is a work in progress for me, so don't think I don't make mistakes and do these things because I do! I am human, and it's in our nature to experience so many negative thoughts, thoughts we would never have on the other side.

If you make a mistake, forgive yourself and move forward. We always think that God is disappointed, so we beat ourselves up so much about it. In all reality we beat ourselves up way more than is necessary. 

Try not to feel guilt and shame, that is all from the ego, and comes from the words of man kind. God does not shame you for anything, he loves us no matter what we do, and what we don't do. So try to live this life to the fullest, and learn from every negative and positive experience. 

If you want to be giving and do kind thing, know that this in no way will affect you going to heaven or not. Do it because it's what you want to do, not because you think it is required. 

God sends blessings are all around us. Sometimes it is hard to see all of the blessings because of our negativity as humans. Once you really start to put forth the effort into being positive, you will start to notice all of the wonderful things that are happening around you. 

If you have a horrible tragedy or loss, know that this is apart of your contract. It is not because God is trying to be cruel. It's because we have already planned for these tragedies, and hardships to take place in our lives. 

You're never alone, Jesus is always there to help guide and comfort you. All you have to do is reach out your hand and ask.

God Bless 

If you would like to shop for any spiritual items, here it the link to my shop


  1. Oh, wow! This is such an enlightening and beautiful post, Misty. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you :) I wish everyone could have this conversation with Christ. He loves us all so very much.

  2. 💖💖💖💖💖💖

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