Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Let go and let God


It is so important to forgive and to let things go. Not for the person that has wronged you. But for your own spiritual growth. If you hang on to hate and anger, it will affect everything about you. 

Not only do you need to forgive others. You also need to also forgive yourself. You can't change the past. So forgive yourself and learn from your mistakes. Your past does not define who you are. 

Now this doesn't mean you just sweep things under the rug and forget. You have to work through your hurt and anger, or it will keep popping up in your life. 

In order to be free of pain, anger, and hate is to acknowledge what has happened, and to work through the healing process. 

First thing that you must do is identify the problem. We all have several experiences that we struggle through. So it's best to identify one problem at a time. 

If you have unresolved issues with past abuse or trauma. It will block and unbalance your chakras, and will manifest into mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual illnesses. 

You need to figure out the best way to work through these past experiences. You can start a journal, go to a spiritual healer, or even go speak with a therapist. 

This is not an easy process for anyone. Trust me, I work on this daily. But it is so important to let the bad stuff go, so that you can enjoy the good. It will be near impossible for you to truly be happy with your life if you hang on to all the bad and hurtful things that have happened to you. 

So next time someone does or says something that hurts you or makes you angry, don't lash out. Instead take a step back and send them light and love.

"Forgiveness is the choice to see people how they are now. When we're mad at people, we're angry because of something they said or did before this moment. By letting go of the past, we make room for miracles to replace our grievances."
-Marianne Williamson  

Drifting away from friends and family is apart of life. When a friendships come to an end, it causes pain and sadness. Know that you have learned what you needed to learn from these relationships. Then let them go without bitterness and hate. Focus on the good memories, and the lessons that came from these relationship. 

If you lose a friend or family member, it is because you have outgrown that relationship. It's just like out growing a pair of pants, you don't want to keep the pants to remind of how they used to fit you. You need get rid of them, and buy yourself a new pair that will fit. 

Remember that every experience you have had, good or bad has shaped you into the person you are now. Take every bad situation as a learning experience, and make the choice not to let your pride and ego define you. 

Living in the here and now, and let go of the past. 

One thing we are all guilty of doing, is worrying about the future. I am a huge future worrier, and it can cause a ton of anxiety and stress. The thing that really helps me when I start to worry about the future, is to completely surrender myself to God. 

I always tell myself "I have everything I need for today". Try not to think about what happened yesterday or what will happen tomorrow. Try to focus on the current day. 

Stop trying to control everything, trust the process of life. We attract everything we put out there. So if you are worrying about the "what ifs" you are going to miss out on all the good that you could have in your life. 

Remember God always knows best, and things will always work out in one way or another. Surrender yourself to the present, and forgive the past. 

When you hold on to the past, you miss the opportunities of the future. The past can be a wonderful place to visit for memories, but it can also be a dangerous place. 

Don't let your past take away your future hopes and dreams. Let go of any fear and expectations. Simply appreciate the good that is around you. 

"For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and self control"
- 2 Timothy 1:7

Let go and let God
God bless 

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