Friday, September 25, 2015

What is energy? And how does it work?

Everyone and everything is made of energy. This means energy lives in every person, place, or thing. Everything vibrates.

We all have layers of vibrating energy fields around us. We live in an environment where the energy around us is constantly shifting. 

When we are surrounded by conflict, whether it be people, places, food, ect. And most of us are unaware of how to protect ourselves, we then absorb all of this negative energy into us. Once you are aware and are making a counsious effort daily to protect and cleanse your energy, you will start to thrive no matter what is around you.

Blockages and imbalances in our energy will start to maifest into physical and emotional illnesses. Energy healing will remove these blockages as well as any attachments that are connected to you.

Once you start this healing process, you will start to heal emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally. 

It's important to remember that energy work takes a lot of time. It's not something you can do once or twice and think all is fixed. Stay consistent, and never put any of your energy into anything you think is pointless. 

How can I feel spiritual energy? 

In order to feel spiritual energy you have to learn how to let go and remain in the present moment with a quiet mind.  As you let go of the little boundaries you have built up in your mind you will begin to develop an awareness of a vast inner space. 

This will give you the feeling of an enormous amount of freedom and with this freedom comes a creative and genuine appreciation for life.

It requires discipline and constant work. You will have to learn how to quiet your thoughts, and to be present in the "right now". This can be done by focusing on your own breathing, and meditation. 

Meditation can be very difficult to begin with especially for people with very 'noisy' minds, but with a continued effort results are inevitable. For beginners I always suggest listening to guided meditations. 

"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new"

Love and light 

If you would like to shop for any spiritual items, here it the link to my shop

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