Sunday, September 13, 2015

You attract in your life a reflection of what you think/judge

What does it mean when someone says "you attract into your life a reflection of what you think and what you judge"? 

I am going to try and give you some examples and touch on some of my own personal struggles and growth. If you think people are dishonest, then you will attract dishonest people, if you are focused on unhappiness then you will be unhappy, if you are constantly negative then your life will be filled with negativity, and if you say your life is miserable, well you will in turn have a miserable life. 

In other words what you put out is what you are going to get back. This doesn't mean if you have an illness that you have asked for it, or if you have a streak of bad luck it's because you have put it out there and now is has come back. But if you focus non stop on this illness, or your bad luck, then it will get worse. 

I have mentioned in my previous posts how powerful our mind is, and most of us are so unaware of just how powerful it really can be. Everything that you hold in your councious thought becomes your cage and your reality. So if you start saying positive affirmations daily then your life is going to start to become more positive, it will literally become whatever you put out. 

So instead of being depressed all the time and saying how bad life is, how worthless you are, how you can't find or keep a job, or how unhappy you are, how ugly/fat your are. Try saying I am happy, I am healthy, my life is wonderful, I will find a job, I will be successful, and I am beautiful. 

This doesn't mean that life isn't going to test you, and it doesn't mean that life isn't going to be hard and throw you some curve balls. But it does mean that you can turn your life into whatever you want. 

Not only is saying and thinking with a positive mind so important. But what you allow around you is also going to affect the way you feel about yourself, and the way you feel about your life. 

You may have people in your life that you love dearly but if they are nothing but negative, or are constantly putting you down then they are no longer healthy to your mind, body, and soul. Sometimes you have to walk away from people, and it's not ideal, nor is it something that you may want to do. But how can you expect to start having a healthy outlook on life if you are around someone who is like a constant cloud hanging over you.

This also applies with places and habits, if your workplace is full of non stop gossip and cruelness, this will eventually start to influence your way of thinking. If you are an addict and you allow yourself to hang out at the bar with your friends, then this as well will start to affect your thinking and will start to temp you in a negative way. 

You may have to walk away from someone, find a new job, or even find a new hang out place if these things are no longer positive for you. Now this doesn't mean that you need to judge and put other people down, it means that you may have to just wish them nothing but happiness and simply walk away, or just take some space and set some boundaries. 

We as human beings are not perfect and we always make mistakes. So if you catch yourself judging or putting someone down, don't beat yourself up about it, just take a step back and try to go in a different direction. Another huge thing to do is to believe in yourself, if you don't believe in yourself then who will? 

Stand up for what you believe in, speak your truth, and don't back down to intimidation of any form. Never give up on something you believe in, and never give in to something you don't. Now this being said don't let your pride blind you, because there is a huge difference in believing in something, and being prideful. 

Remember that everything you are looking for lies behind the mask that you wear. So make sure that you don't deprive yourself of anything, shoot for the moon and if a door closes then build another. 

I myself have have experienced this as we all have, and it can be a very difficult thing to do. People may tell you that you are mean for putting yourself before them, but that is not true. In fact it is the complete opposite! 

If you don't put yourself first then you will never be able to make anyone else happy, nor will you ever be able to have the experience of having others enjoy you as a person. It's like the analogy that if you are on an air plane and the oxygen masks come down. Do you put the mask on you first or your child? Well you need to make sure you put it on you first because if not you will pass out and will no longer be able to help your child or anyone else. 

So first and for most take care of yourself, make sure that you are getting what you need to to be happy so that you can in turn help to make others happy. 

Society yet again has put this label on things, and on people. But if you can get past what others expect, or what others think and say about you. Then you will be able to excel so much with your personal growth. I have always been a very blunt and matter of fact person. It's been very hard for people to understand, or even like this quality about me. I for several years and even now still struggle with the fact of caring what others think or say about me.

Think about it this way, it is not any business of yours what other people think about you! It's only important what you think about yourself, and what your close circle of people think about you. If you have a close circle of people that put you down and don't build you up then you need to rebuild this circle. 

I know that I am in no way perfect, and even though I write about not judging, and having a positive lifestyle. It doesn't mean that I don't struggle with these things on a daily basis. I am human, and we as humans sin, it's a fact! 

Once you can accept that fact and know that it is ok to make mistakes then you will start to be more understanding when others around you make mistakes. So if you make the decision to walk away from someone, do it with a heart full of love. Let go of any hate, and try to forgive them. Don't forgive them for their sake, but for yours. You can't expect others to forgive you if you are not willing to do the same. If you hold onto a grudge or anger, this is only hurting you. It is important for your inner peace to forgive, and let it go. You can always forgive someone, and choose to not be around them: 

This is something I work on every single day and if you can get to a point where you can acknowledge and work through this, that will mean that you have become the best YOU. 

Life is about learning from our mistakes, so make sure you are truly learning from them, then let it go and move on. Love yourself for everything that you are, and enjoy this short life because it is such a blessing. 

God bless

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