Friday, September 11, 2015

Getting rid of negative energy/attachments

Have you ever hung out with someone that seemed to drain/exhaust you? Or gone to someone's home and felt instant anxiety and discomfort? 

This is you literally sucking out their energy, this is something that happens to all of us, I know it happened to me all the time before I knew what it was. I would literally have to stop hanging around certain people because I would feel so exhausted and almost stressed out after. 

This journey of mine is just starting, and spirit has prompted me to share things that I learn. So here are some tips and ideas to help you keep your own energy and to not take from others. 

You may find your own way to do this, but at least this is something you can start with. We all have good days and bad, and we don't want our good energy to get sucked out anymore than we want to take someone's negative energy in. 

You can also get what some people call "attachments" this doesn't mean you have an evil spirit following you around, but it could defiantly mean you have picked up the negative or dark energy from a low level spirit. 

I know being a medium this was something I stressed about in the beginning. But after realizing how easy it is to keep this energy from attaching itself to me, it was a worry that seemed to disappear. 

When I wake up in the morning as well as before I do any readings I always pray and visualize a bubble, a bubble that is made up of the white light and love that comes from Jesus. Now if don't believe in Jesus or are not sure what you believe in, then you can just visualize the white light and love. 

After I visualize being in this bubble of love and light I then ask that my angels surround me in a circle around the bubble made of white light and love. I always think of them as holding hands all around me. And yes you have angels too, we all have them, several of them actually. 

I then ask for them to protect this bubble and to not let anything except love and light enter. Now it is also important that not only do you do this but that you don't hold fear inside you, fear of having a dark spirit attaching itself to you. If you have nothing but love and trust then they won't have that attraction to attach themselves to you. 

This is how I have managed to give readings for someone who is depressed or having a lot of emotions. If I didn't do this I would leave these readings an emotional, exhausted mess! 

I also have a kind of cleansing I do before bed every night.  I try to do a night time mediation which I recommend, if you have never done this there are several guided meditations on YouTube you can find. 

When I do my meditation I like to visualize a stream of white light and love pouring into the top of my head. I then visualize that this light and love then proceeds down through my body, and limbs pushing out any darkness or negativity that I have picked up during the day. I visualize that it pushes the negative energy out of the bottom of my feet and that it then curves down around my bed and goes into the earth where it can be recycled. 

I do this so that every night I can feel like I am going to bed filled with nothing but love. At the end of this I always feel like my body is full of this bright beautiful light and that there is not even a dark speck left inside me. 

After a lot of practice you will be able to do this for your home, your work space, your friends, family, honestly anything that you hold dear, or that is a sacred place for you. I now put a bubble around my home and my family everyday and I cleanse it every night. 

You won't believe how much this will start to help you when you make it apart of your daily routine. I was at one point someone who would have read this and and brushed it off while rolling my eyes lol. But your mind is a powerful thing, and if you start to do this, you will everyday notice how the negative self talk, and the anxiety and stress of everyday life starts to get a little bit less. 

Everyone has their struggles, life is hard for all of us. But the ability we have to turn the negativity around is an amazing gift, a gift that we all have and just need help to tap into it. It's kind of like in my past post I made the comment about being in a dark room and spent the majority of my life searching for the light switch. Once you find the switch and turn that light on, things will only get better and you will start to really appreciate life. 

If I can get to where I am right now with all of the pain, and devistation I have had in my life with this disease, then I truly believe anyone can get there. Yes life is still going to be hard, and at times it is still going to feel hopeless. But I promise if you start to open up this gift that is inside of you, you will feel like your life has changed. 

They say we use only a certain percentage of our brain, this doesn't mean that God didn't give us access to all of it, it means that we choose to only use a small portion. I think we all have the gift of clairvoency, the gift of healing, or even the gift to connect to the other side, and hopefully I can help give you the tools to open your gift. 

Thank you for following me on this journey, may the love and light always surround you. 

God bless 

If you would like to shop for any spiritual items, here it the link to my shop

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