Monday, September 28, 2015

Who goes to heaven and who doesn’t?

I have done hundreds of readings, and there is one question that I get asked the most. "Is there really a heaven? And if so do people who commit great sins get to go to heaven?"

The answer to this question is YES. This isn't always the answer that people want to hear. And honestly most of the time I get a blank stares and don't get a positive response to this answer. It's important for everyone to remember that no one is perfect. Our spirits are perfect, but we cannot remember what we truly are. What we are now are humans, and humans sin, it's in our nature. From a small lie, to murder. A sin is a sin.

But God loves us all unconditionally, and our life experience here on earth doesn't just happen this once. Outside of these bodies, we are perfect, and we don't sin. Our life here on earth has happened many times before, and will continue to happen. This isn't a one time journey. 

The best way I can explain this is that we do this, life after life. Which means we make mistake after mistake. Our spirit is perfect but our human form is far from it. None of us are born liars, cheaters, abusers, addicts, killers, etc. Things happen to us in our human lives and we evolve into these people. We all hurt someone is some way. 

But as soon as we die, we go right back to our perfect soul, and all of the knowledge of every life and every lesson comes flooding back. The reason we come back over and over is to learn and to evolve. Unfortunaly we don't always get it right. Sometimes we get stuck, and we just screw it all up. But on the other side we have nothing but love and support routing us on.

So the answer to the question, if someone kills will they go to heaven? Well yes, if they want to go to heaven they will. There are lower level spirits that do get stuck here and don't move forward. But that is their choice, they make that happen. And I will try to write a blog about that. But I have said this before in past blogs. God has NO conditions to his love. We learn from each life, each mistake, and it makes us better and closer to our goal of being divine. 

Is my loved one in heaven even if they committed suicide? 

This is a question I am frequently asked by people. The first thing I want to say is that God loves us all so very much. So of course people that committ suicide are in heaven. 

Situations in life are hard but always temporary. Life changes constantly! So if you do find yourself thinking these thoughts, just know that what you are going through is a temporary situation, and suicide is a permanent solution.

Anyone who commits suicide is mentally not doing well, and God would never punish someone for being mentally sick. 

God would never punish anyone for anything!! Let me say that again while you process this. GOD WOULD NEVER PUNISH ANYONE FOR ANYTHING! 

This is a concept that people just have a hard time grasping. God doesn't punish?? God doesn't stick people in an enteral fire pit of hell? Honestly before I had deep conversations with Jesus and honestly from what I believe from deep inside me was God too. I though the exact same thing. Heck I was a full on Christian and everything I believed was blown out of the water. 

But I had the source telling me this, how could I doubt this. I mean as he is telling me this, and it all made sense. I had no doubt. And all I could think was how all the fear everyone has in their live over God because of religion is so sad. And I knew I had to tell what I had learned. Even though people would say it was blasphemy, and it was the devil, and I was wrong. I knew I had to speak it, I knew I had to blog about everything I had been learning. 

Boy have men really messed with our heads on this one right? So basically from what I really try to explain to people is be a good person, and do good deeds because it makes you feel good, and because it makes you happy! Not because you think it's something you have to do in order to go to heaven. Your moral compass should be based on who your true self is, not based on fear. In the end we will all be together. 

God is all about love.

Love and light 

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