Saturday, September 26, 2015

Coming out of my spiritual closet

I woke up really early this morning to a close friend of mine who has passed. She started talking to me about my gift, and how I shouldn't hide it from the world. My Nikki girl, my heart was filled with complete joy to have woken up to her sweet contagious smile, and her words of encouragement. 

So I finally did it! I made a public post on my Facebook page "coming out" publicly. And even though I was so scared and anxious I had Nikki, my grandfather, and my guide John there around me giving me the strength and love to do it. 

Over the past month I have slowly been messaging people that I trust, people that I knew would love me regardless. After messaging them, and getting the wonderful support I stared to add them to a private FB page I had created for my clients to be able to schedule readings, and to post their amazing testimonials.

Today I made the page open so that the group could be seen by others. When I was changing the settings from private to closed, it was if I was changing myself from being private to open. It is a very surreal experience, something huge, and something life changing.

I came out to my entire family a week ago, and people still find a way to surprise me. You see I thought it would be friends/acquaintances that would not support me. But as I was laying in bed last night my guide John told me that a bunch of my family members had left the group. He told me that it was ok and to not to be sad about it. 

I got online too look and see who was still there, and even though I was very hurt by the ones who had left, and couldn't just stay to support me out of love. I felt so much love and respect towards the ones who were still in the group. My guides were with me, and comforting me all night. What a blessing right? A blessing that most people will never get to experience. 

I know this is going to affect me socially, I know that some people will remove me from their life, and I know some will even say that I am crazy. But for the first time in my life I can honestly say that I don't care what people's opinions are about me. I know that I was given a true gift from God, and I have helped so many people. 

I have struggled my entire life over the way people have felt about me, so much so that it has at several points in my life taken me down into a very deep depression. I would get so hurt over people not liking me, or talking badly about me. It would literally consume me. Today I finally am able to break free from this worry, and insecurity about others opinions. And thanks to my guides and loved ones on the other side working with me almost daily, I finally feel free, and I can say with such pride that I don't care what others think. 

I have always felt so misunderstood, and always have felt like I was such an outcast. An outcast with friends, and outcast with family, and even an outcast to myself. I have had a lot of issues with how I have handled situations, and how I have reacted when I have been upset. It makes so much sense to me now why I have done these things. Not only was I not letting go of my past and taking accountability for my own actions, happiness, and future. I am also a medium, a healer, and an empath. Being an empath means that not only was I having my own emotions and reactions, I was taking in others as well. And as you can imagine this gift if not controlled, has made me a time bomb several times in my life. I have lost a lot of people that I love because of this. 

I never knew what any of this was, or what to do with it all. I wasn't protecting my energy because I didn't know how, heck I didn't even know what energy really was. But now that I have finally opened myself up, and accepted this gift completely. It has given me an entirely different perspective on life, and how to protect myself, and my energy. Don't get me wrong, I am in no way perfect at this, but I have come a long way and am getting better each day. 

I have such anxiety right now for "coming out", but I feel so good, and I feel for the first time in my life like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. My guides have been working with me a lot the past couple weeks, they have been trying to tell me I was ready to "come out", and today when I woke up to Nikki being there, and after taking with her I finally just said "today is the day". 

Thank you so much to all of you that have supported me, especially my husband. He has been amazing and has encouraged me in so many ways. The kind of love and support that I get from him is so very rare, and I couldnt espress in words how very lucky I am.  

I am so happy and filled with joy, and relief. I am so excited to see where this journey will take me, and how many people that I will continue to help.  God is good, and he always knows what our true potentials, and paths are. Try to completely surrender yourself to the higher power, embrace who you are with pride! You don't need anyone's approval to be YOU. Good is good, and he loves you all so very much. 

Thank you again for your continued support. 

God bless 

If you would like to shop for any spiritual items, here it the link to my shop


  1. I want to stand up and cheer for you...I'm still hiding in my spiritual closet, I have gradually been stripping away the layers that I've used to cover up myself and tip toeing out of my closet. Many of my friends and some of my family have slowly been fading out of my life.
    You are amazing for standing in your truth, thank you for sharing your journey.

    1. Thank you :) you will get there when you are ready

  2. This is so beautiful. Many will appreciate your journey <3

  3. I love this post. After your fb live I could resist coming on to your blog and binge reading. I too have so much I hold back and so much I don't know how to control but I know there is something so much more going on around me. I know 110% with out a doubt that I am a Empath and I need to learn to protect myself from carrying others feelings and emotions. I cant tell you how many times in my life I have become physically ill due to a negative person near me or broke out in to tears because sadness overcame me and at first I did think it was because I was bipolar or plain crazy but then I realized it was because I was around someone who was feeling some type of way and I would take it on and carry it as my own... All I know now is I cant wait for my reading with you. I have so many questions not just from the other side but also about myself that I think you can help me with if that makes sense. Till then keep doing what your doing, there are always going to be some who spectate, doubt and remove them selves but as I'm sure you know the people who are meant to be in your life and the ones who love you will be there to support you on your journey. Lots of Love and peace <3
