Sunday, September 13, 2015

Taking your power back

Do you make choices because they come from your will and what you want? Or do you make choices because of what someone else is wanting, guilting, abusing, or manipulating you into doing? 

This can happen with anyone, your spouse, your boss, a friend, your religion, or even a parent or family member. It is time that you stand up and take your power back! No more letting others control your decisions or emotions. If you are letting someone control how you feel, or how you act, then it's time that you step away so that you can free yourself of the situation. 

Society has stepped in yet again and taught us from a very young age that it is bad to be blunt, and to say exactly what you think. They say "she is too blunt and has no filter, therefore she is rude", or "you need to serve others before you serve yourself". They have taught us that it is selfish and mean to speak to your mind, and that you must respect your elders, and always put others needs ahead of your own. My opinion on this is don't respect anyone who doesn't respect you no matter what their age is, and always put yourself and your needs before anyone else's. Respect is earned, and it is not selfish to enforce this or to say your truth. 

For you to step into your power, you must take the power back from those warped and twisted definitions of what power means. Quit giving your power and energy away, take back it, and learn to harness your energy and power. Like I have said in one of my previous posts, this may be the point where you need to step away from someone, or set boundaries. You need to redefine this relationship and take back your power without feeling guilty or selfish. It is never selfish to take care of, or to stand up for yourself. You must alway put yourself as a top priority so you can be your best you! You will be no good to anyone if you are not taking care of YOU! 

Quit making excuses on why you let someone control your actions, and your emotions. Quit blaming others, make the decision to take control over your actions, and over your reactions. Excuses hold us back from being the best we can be, so let it go and let your life become what you want. I know I have personally struggled with this, as I think we all have, we make excuses for why we let a friend or parent control our emotions and decisions. I for one and currently working on taking my power back in a relationship, and with that being said it can be a very hard and emotional process, it is going to take time to retrain yourself into doing what you need to be happy, regardless of what someone else might say. 

The end result will be that you are living your life the way you want, and the way that you feel is best. Take it easy on yourself, cut yourself some slack, quit being so hard on yourself, and letting the self talk put you in a dark place. We are the ones that are responsible for our own happiness, so don't let anyone make you feel fear or guilt for doing what is best for you. Change how you react, and remove yourself from these people until you have learned how to "not care" what they think or say. This is going to take a lot of practice, so keep working on it and don't give up.

If someone you love does something that is hurtful or mean, make sure you say to yourself, yes they did hurt me, and it's ok to be sad, brokenhearted, and mad. But stop there! Don't let their actions ruin or control your life. You have the option to let their decision define you, or you can accept what happened, feel all of your feelings, then take responsibility for yourself, pick up the pieces, and move forward. If you let your entire life fall apart because of something someone else did, you are choosing to let this happen.

It's time that we take situations and learn from them, learn how to be better, and learn how to never let anyone control our emotions. Remember people can only take our personal power if we allow them to do so. So stand up tall, take pride in who you are, and never let anyone make you feel like you are not worth something. 

God Bless 

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