Wednesday, September 13, 2017

What are Ghosts? Earth Bound Spirits? Lower Level Energies? Is there such things as Demons?

What are Ghosts? Earth Bound Spirits? Lower Level Energies? Is there such things as Demons?

This topic seems to be the hush hush topic of the spiritual circle. A lot of mediums don’t like to talk or write about it. It’s almost like if they avoid it, they will never come in contact with them. Heck that’s how I was. But then it came full blast into my face one day, and I had to deal with it. 

So now when I teach about this particular subject, which I do in my mentorship program. I talk about it as if it’s life life insurance. Hopefully you will never need to use it, but if you do, then you will know how to handle it. 

Lower level spirits or “lower level energies” as I call them, are spirits that are stuck here on earth. This can happen out of choice or trauma. But majority of the time they don’t even realize that they are dead, and stuck here. If I come across earth bounds like this, I do try to help them cross over. Which I can go into detail how to do this in another blog post. 

These “lower level energies” as well as the “non human entities” I have come in contact with is usually what causes hauntings, and other paranormal experiences. These things can attach themselves to people and items. 

When doing energy work, I do get a lot of “lower level energy” attachments to people. Now this doesn’t mean they are possessing someone, that is something completely different that I will talk about here in a minute. 

When I talk about a lower level energy attaching to someone. It’s like apart of that energy has attached to your energy. The kind of people/energy that they tend to be attracted to are people that are addicts, or people that live in a constant negative state. They thrive off negativity, caos, and fear. 

Now that being said, that is not always the case. Sometimes, you just get a nasty lower level, or something darker that has attached or is being a pest because it CAN! 

But YOU always have the power to change this! That is always key! Remember they thrive off fear! Don’t give that to them! Set your boundaries, and tell them to get the heck out of here! 

Now moving past lower level earth bounds. In 2018 I came across something that was completely different than a “lower level energy”. I was very ignorant to this, because it was something I had not experienced. 

The things I have seen and experienced I will refer to as “non human entities”. If you have read any of my past blog posts I have explained there is no hell. At least no hell like the Bible describes. At least this is what I have been told by the other side. But what I have encountered was for sure a “non human entity”.

I remember in one of the experiences I had, I went to my guides and asked “am I strong enough to pull whatever this thing is that I just saw off of this lady I am trying to heal?” And they told me that I was the only one that could help her. I had been doing energy work on this lady for a couple weeks, and this thing had hid from me. And it accidentally slipped through on what I believe was her second or third energy work appointment with me. It was shocking to say the least. 

After that experience was over, I did have one more personal experience that I was able to overcome by setting boundaries. 

I think the reason that I experienced these things this past year, was because I was spiritually ready to do so. I needed to help a few people, and I needed to learn some things for myself. And this is why it was finally presented to me. 

The reason I am writing about this, is because I find that this is one of the main reasons that people struggle with fully accepting, and exploring the gifts they have. 

I want to assure you that you have nothing to fear, you just need to have proper protection for yourself, and strict boundaries. 

Are you living in constant fear or worry about negative spirits? If so STOP NOW! Having that fear and worry is exactly what is going to attract these kinds of things. So focus on embracing the light, the positivity, and don’t let your fear take over. And that’s with anything in life, never let your fear have control over you! You take control over it! 

I know for a fact this is why that thing hid from me for so many sessions when I was doing work on this client I had. And I have had them hide from me before while doing house cleansings. 

I work with the light, and it knew I could or I would try to get rid of it. It didn’t want me to see it. Me seeing it that day, was a complete accident on its end. And it tried to trick me and my client for a while as we tried to get rid of it. I won’t go into deep detail, but there was scratching that was done during me trying to pull it out. 

“Non human entities” can appear in a variety of ways. They can look like reptiles, gremlins, or goblins, dragons, or a heavy shadow presence of energy around. Yes I know that sounds INSANE! Trust me, I know lol. But what I saw that day, inside that lady, I had never in a million years would have imagined seeing something like that. 

They can even transform shape, and put their energy into other beings. They can even walk among us in the form of a human being. 

Now with everything I have just told you, please do not be scared, and don’t let this hold you back from moving forward with your gifts. Remember knowledge is power! It’s life insurance, hopefully you will never come into contact with these things. But just in case, let’s make sure you are protected and prepared ahead of time, instead of trying to figure out what to do when it happens.

First steps I would suggest you take.

1. Grounding yourself. If this is not something you are good at doing, do it daily, and get good at it. It’s really easy, you can do a a simple grounding method I can lay out for you. Or you can get onto YouTube and find a free guided grounding meditation.

Here is the grounding visualization, it’s best to close your eyes, do your breathing, and relax when doing this.

Visual yourself as a tree, and imagine that your legs are the roots of the tree. imagine them digging deep into the earth. I want you to dig so deep until you see a bright pink ball of light. The pink light is made of pure love, I want you to wrap your roots all the way around this light. Then imagine the the light starts to flow up into your roots, into your legs, your torso, your arms, and your head. Then imagine a beautiful waterfall above your head, made up of pure white light and love. Imagine that a flap opens up at the top of your head, and the light starts to flow into your body. 

This is grounding yourself. You should feel calm, and usually your feet will feel a little heavy. This helps when you’re having anxiety, stress, can’t sleep, or just need a little break. 

2. Put a bubble protection around yourself, your family, and your home. Heck I even do it around our vehicles. This again takes practice, so I would suggest doing it daily until you get the hang of it. When doing this ask for your guides to assist you. If you have not connected with your guides yet, that’s ok, they are still there. 

Here is the bubble protection visualization, again it’s best to close your eyes, do your breathing, and relax when doing this. Sometimes if you are feeling someone’s negative energy at work, take a walk to the bathroom, sit on the toilet and do a bubble protection around you. This helps a ton with people who are empaths.

Visualize a bubble that is made up of pure light and love. Imagine it going around your entire body. Say to yourself (either out loud, or in your head) no negative energy is to enter this bubble, only positive and loving energy. When doing this to your home, you will do the same thing, except you will ask your guides to go to all points of the circle to help protect it. I have guides that make a cross on mine. One above, one below, and one on each side. You would be surprised how much support and love you have from the other side. I put this bubble around my kids, my husband, and our vehicles. 

3. Home cleansing! Sage, Palo Santo, etc. This is a must! Especially if you have never done this! I want you to think about everything as energy for a minute. Energy sticks to everything. So every single person that has come into your house, some of their energy has stuck to your walls, furniture, you name it. 

And it’s the same for ghosts aka earth bounds aka lower level energies, and non human entities, and yes whatever else is out there. So it’s good to cleanse your home often. I do mine more than the normal person, because I do my appts in my home. But I would say once a month, or when you are feeling the need to do so. 

What I mean by that is, if you are feeling depressed, exhausted, tension going on in the home. Do a good home cleanse and get that negative and stagnant energy out of your home. I have another blog post that goes into detail on how many ways you can cleanse your home. Also you may purchase many difference sage kits, and cleaning kits from my store.. Which I will list at the bottom of this post. 

4. Crystals and Stones. The power of bringing Mother Nature into your home is amazing. You can put these things into your area, you can wear jewelry. Not only is there things for good protection, but also many things for good mental and physical health. I also have abother blog post that does go into detail about crystals and stones and what it can do for your chakras. You can also purchase many of these things from my store. 

5. And this is the most important! Stand in your power, have boundaries, and don’t let fear control you! This is key! Remember these things fear things just as much as we do. Billions of people in the world believe in the cross, Jesus, holy water, sage, crystals, etc. It’s manifested, therefore they fear there things. Use them against them if you ever need to. Even if you don’t yourself believe in these things, it simply does not matter. 

Like I said before, the devil and hell in which the Bible describes doesn’t exist. But that doesn’t mean these things cannot manifest into the devil. Because billions of people having this power of belief and manifestation. It’s a very strong thing. So use it’s weakness right back at it! 

But also remember this isn’t a game, it is very real. I was very ignorant and only worked with the light so I only saw the light. And one day it simply was presented to me because I needed to help someone. And then later it came to me and tried to scare me because of what I was doing. It didn’t work. 

I run a awesome mentor program that teaches you to hone in on your own abilities, open your third eye, and find the key to your door as I say it. We all have the ability to have these gifts. No one is more special. We all have this door just waiting to be opened. Just because we only use a small portion of our brain, doesn’t mean we do not have the ability to access more of it. My job is to help you find that key to open your door in a safe way. I will also post my FB Page at the bottom of this post so if you would like to look into. 

You are loved by many on the other side, as well as your higher self. We need more of you to come into your gifts as light workers. The world needs it more than ever. 

Love and light

Follow me on FB @ Misty Overduyn Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer

If you would like to shop for any spiritual items, here it the link to my shop

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