Our loved ones are always trying to get our attention in some way. They want you to know that even though you cant see them, they are still with you. The majority of the time they are throwing signs left and right at us, and we don't even realize it.
It's very common for us to doubt ourselves. When you think you see something that is from them, or feel them around. Our default is always to think we are crazy, and to be fearful.
When you have a feeling of doubt or fear, it doesn't mean that there is something negative or "evil" around. It means that we cannot comprehend what is happening. These feelings are normal, so when you think "am I going crazy" know that if you were you would not ask yourself that.
Our human mind does not remember or recoginze these things. Our higher self "our soul" knows it as comfort, love, and home. But our brains like to play tricks on us, and it always tries to find the logic in everything.
Try not to be afraid, our loved ones don't want to scare us. They want us to know they are around, and that they love us.
The most common signs that deceased loved ones like to send.
1. Dreams
Our loved ones as well as spirit guides, and passed animals try to communicate through our dreams. They may just want to come to say hello, or to give comfort. It's very common for them to show up in the most random of dreams. So when you wake up with a smile thinking that it was your loved one, don't talk yourself out of it.
Your mind will try to do this, but always go with your initial reaction and feeling. I have a girl friend that always comes in my dreams, the majority of the time she just smiles. She has come through to me before something big has happened. Its her way of letting me know that she was with me and that what was going on was going to be ok.
An very personal experience I want to share is one night she came to me in my dream. She smiled and hugged me. We did talk but not with the movement of our mouths, we spoke through our minds.
The next day one of her family members lashed out on me pretty hard because I had gotten a tatto that was similar to the one my friend had before she passed. I was so upset, but then it just clicked. She came come to me the night before to tell me that it was ok and that she loved me.
I always like to pull in my own personal experiences when writing my posts. I feel that you are able to connect and understand more of what I am saying.
2. Feeling their touch
Though this is one that most of you will try and talk yourself out of, but it happens quite often. When we are sad or sick, our loved ones do hug us, play with our hair, and even hold our hands. So if you feel something, maybe a pressure or the presence of a hug, again don't be afraid.
When I had my twins via emergency c section 3 months before they were supposed to be born. I was a mess in the hospital. My husband was asleep on the little couch in the hospital room, and I was awake and an emotional mess. My grandmother that passed when I was 5 came over to me and started playing with my hair. It was her way of trying to comfort me.
They love us so much, and they worry about us. Most of the time people don't let themselves see or feel these things. But that doesn't mean it isn't happening, it just means that you are either not fully aware, or are just simply blocking it out.
3. Feeling a presence
This is probably the one that scares people the most. When we feel as if we are not alone, it seems to bring an instant fear. We may start lookinh behind us as we are walking down the hallway.
You can always ask them to leave if it is scaring you, but again it's because our brains default to fear when we can't explain what is happening.
In a lot of the readings I do, I always am being asking who is following them all over. Or why they feel a pressure on the bed next to them. Most of the time this is the presence of a pet we lost.
People when they pass come to check on us, but they also go and visit everyone else they love. But when you lose a pet, they stay with you from the moment they pass, until the moment you pass.
Your pet never leaves you, and still likes to cuddle up to you at night, follow you around the house, and even go for car rides with you. So when you feel this presence, feel comfort knowing that your loved ones and pets are still with you, and watching over you.
I have a dog that I had a huge connection to, and she is always cuddling up to me in bed.
4. Electrical interference
If you have randomly are having issues with your lights, tv, microwave, phone, or anything else electrical this is most likely a loved one or one of your guides trying to get your attention. Once we start to notice that these things are happening, you will probably see a pattern.
Maybe it happens when you are struggling, feeling alone, or are sad. Again this is their way of telling you that they love you and that they are with you every step of the way.
I have had times where I have been sitting on the couch crying. Then all of the sudden there is a huge light that will flash, or a ceiling fan that will turn on.
They want you to know that even though you are feeling alone, you are in fact not alone. We have so many people on the other side that love us, and they are always right there with you.
5. Gifts, signs, and symbols
Our loved ones love to send us gifts. So if you are consistently seeing or finding something, and you think of someone particular that has passed, it is most likely it is a gift being sent from them.
I have seen loved ones send coins, butterflies, birds, feathers, rainbows, and much more. I have even seen where they are bringing something around that you may have never noticed before their passing. Maybe you are constantly seeing their favorite flower, or tree.
My husbands grandfather loves to send him bluejays. Most of the time these birds are sent when my husband is struggling. And as for myself, my guides love to send me feathers.
These gifts are so amazing, and come from such love, so cherish them.
6. Music
Loved ones love to send music. Maybe you are always hearing a song that was played at their funeral, a song they loved, or even a song you used to dance to in the car together.
This is their way of making you smile, and once again letting you know they are still with you.
After my girl friend passed, her favorite movie is always playing on tv. I never noticed if this show was on as much before her passing. But when I see it on the menu when I am looking for something to watch, I smile and know that she is saying hello.
7. Scents
Have you ever randomly gotten a strong wiff of perfume, colonge, or even cigarette smoke. Maybe it was a brand that your grandmother or parent always wore. Or maybe you had a grandfather that smoked cigars.
So if you smell this and no one smokes in your home, or wears this scent. It's a good chance this is your loved one coming around.
My mother always smells her grandmothers scent around her. She has told me about this since I was little.
8. Movement
Movement is a big one that used to happen a lot to me before I accepted my gift. I would put something in a certain spot, and minutes later it would be gone. This used to drive me insane as I have OCD and knew that I was not losing my stuff lol.
You also may even see movement in the corner of your eye. We have all had this happen and some point. We think we see someone and we turn our head and nothing is there.
Sometimes our loved ones think they are funny and like to move our things. But know that It always comes from love.
There are many more ways of communication, but these are the ones that come up the most during the readings I do. So the next time something like this happens. Don't be afraid, and don't try question your sanity. I always tell people that the fact that you are questioning if you are crazy, shows that you aren't. A crazy person wouldn't question their sanity.
Take these gifts of communication as a sign of love. There are so many miracles that are happen all around us. Don't ever disregard your initial feeling. If something happens, and your first thought is that it's your mother. Smile and take comfort in knowing she is around.
Always know how loved you are.
God bless
Follow me on FB @ Misty Overduyn Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer